Our collection

Bshawl Pleated

Material: High Quality Chiffon

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Our collection

Bshawl Leinora

Material: Ribbed Silk

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Our Collection

Bhsawl Royal

Material: Satin Matte

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Bshawl Leinora

February Deals


RM35.00 add to cart


RM35.00 add to cart


RM35.00 add to cart


RM35.00 add to cart


RM35.00 add to cart

about us

why choose us?

Your First Triangle Curve Shawl

Made for people to look modesty with shawl without "LILIT"

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Our Collection


Bshawl Ratna

Material: Polyvoile Cotton Texture

Opaqueness ~ 3/5

80% Ironless

add to cart RM43.00

Bshawl Ayla Pleated

Material: High Quality Chiffon

Opaqueness ~ 4/5

100% Ironless

add to cart RM69.00

Bshawl Royal

Material: Satin Matte

Opaqueness ~ 5/5

Baby Seam Finishing

add to cart RM47.00

Bshawl Leinora

Material: Ribbed Silk

Opaqueness ~ 5/5

100% Ironless

add to cart RM43.00

customer's review

what they say

Tak pernah lagi jumpa shawl ada cutting bawal camni. Best sebab boleh pakai macam2 style at the same time bahagian depan and belakang labuh!

Senang nak pakai shawl ni, guna jarum satu pun dah boleh tertutup bahagian depan dan belakang, takyah lilit pun takpa.

Kualiti memang best! Material pun best! Yg paling best ada banyak pilihan size.

Cantik sangat warna bila sampai.